
This a non-standard Calling Card scenario which doesn't require any CLI authentication for calls to the DID number and charges always the Default Account which has a DID number in its authentication rule. 

Main approach via the DID Pool and IVR application

Create IVR application with the following settings

Assign the created IVR application to a DID number

  • Setup DID & Incoming DID/CLD (#1, #3)
  • Secure the incoming calls by setting the Vendor/Connection (#5, #6)
  • Please assign IVR app for the newly created DID number in the DID Pool section (#2).
  • Set the CLI Translation Rule for the configured DID number (#4)r. So the original CLI will be translated to the desired number (eg. 000999111).

Create a default Account for free calls 

The created account should be the same number that you set to the CLI Translation rule in the DID settings. Or you may set the other CLI translation rule with the account name/voip login of some existing account.


Alternative calling card via the connection

Routing Configuration Steps

Setup the Local Vendor

The local vendor would be used for the activation of a calling card application when somebody calls on the below connection.

  • Add vendor connection. Set the environments IP & Asterisk's port in the Destination field of Vendor Connection (ex:
  • Set the CLD Translation Rule for the connection to the value 


  • 1 - any name can be specified
  • 2 - destination should be the IP of your own environment and port of asterisk 5062 for calls to calling card app
  • 3 - the CLD translation rule which activates a calling card app. Rule can me modified according to customer's needs by the following doc: (

(see settings in "Use of multiple instances of Calling Card Application section")

Add the Destination Set for Incoming Calls

It may have a single prefix in routes list which should match your DID number.

Add the Destination Set for Outgoing calls to your own carrier

It should contain the list of prefixes of your carrier

Create 2 routing groups

1st routing group is needed for incoming calls which system will route to the Local Connection/Calling Card app. Later this routing group will be assigned to the authentication rule of  a default account.


2nd routing group is your own routing group for all outgoing calls which system will use for the entered via the calling card destination number.

Example (your RG should contain your own carriers)

The Default Account configuration

Create Tariff and Service Plan for the default account

This tariff system will use for charging account outgoing calls. 

DID configuration

Pay Attention: In this scenario the switch operator shouldn't use the DID Pool. 

Steps to be done:

1. Create the default account with any name and voip login (eg. "CallingCard"). 

System will charge this account for all incoming and outgoing calls. So balance of this account should be non-zero but depending on your tariff or service plan settings.

  • 1-2 can have any name you wish.
  • 3 - routing group should be your own and contain the list of vendors to which calls will be routed from the calling card app.
  • 4 - service plan will be used for charging this account for extra services and for the minutes if needed.
  • 5 - the balance should be non-zero if calls would be chargeable

2. Add the DID number to the Authentication Rule of the created default account (eg. "


2. Add the DID number for the authentication of calls to some particular DID you wish to use.

3. Apply CLI translation rule with the number from Incoming CLD field from step 2It will translate the original CLI to the DID number  and authenticate calls without entering the card number (after you added it to the trusted numbers).

4. Assign the Routing group from incoming calls to a local vendor with calling car rule.

Add the incoming DID to the list of trusted numbers under the same account for the automatic CLI registration

Test your calls